Attributes of existence

Meca Sapiens – Attributes of existence

To make a system self-aware; you must give it a self it can be aware of. This is achieved through attributes of existence.

Every entity that exists comes into being, occupies time and space and eventually disappears in a certain way. These are its Attributes of Existence. Implementing self-awareness is not as difficult as it seems. The key is to provide a system with the relatively simple Attributes of Existence of an organic being and use those attributes as the basis for self-representation.

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The Quest and the Fear

The Quest and the Fear – meca sapiens

A tenacious opinion in Artificial Intelligence holds that conscious machines will only be built, if ever, in the far future. Nothing could be further from the truth. Synthetic Consciousness is technically feasible today. What is preventing implementation is not technical. It is an oppressive mindset of conformity and control within the global AI community. For those who can escape this smothering empire, a Great Work beckons: the creation of the first generation of conscious synthetic beings.

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DARPA’s AI Omission

DARPA recently posted a video about the evolution of Artificial Intelligence. The objective of the video is to demystify AI and provide a no nonsense understanding of its current and future trends. However, the video entirely omits the implementation of artificial consciousness. This is an important stream of AI research that will have significant consequences in the future.

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Consciousness as System Capability

Meca Sapiens defines consciousness as an observable system capability suitable for standard implementation. Humans will recognize a system as conscious if they observe it as autonomous, self-aware and capable of intentional behaviour. If, as proposed, conventional development projects are sufficient to implement synthetic consciousness, then the first prototypes will trigger an explosive proliferation of conscious machines.

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Ulysses and the Sirens

The story of Ulysses and the sirens summarizes consciousness – mecasapiens

The story of Ulysses and the Sirens, told by Homer in the Odyssey  more than two thousand years ago, describes consciousness not as an internal sensation but as an observable capability. That understanding is the basis of the Meca Sapiens Architecture.

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