On Going Progress

COMPLETED: MECA SAPIENS – System Architecture

The Meca Sapiens Blueprint is a System Architecture conceived by Jean Tardy that describes, in detail, how to implement Artificial Consciousness in autonomous agents. The proposed architecture would generate systems that interact with their users as self-aware entities and are capable of intentionally modifying their original purpose. The Meca Sapiens architecture is complete and ready for design and implementation.

ON OGOING: MECA DISCIT – Unbounded Learning

Contrary to popular belief, synthetic consciousness is easier to achieve than unlimited and open-ended learning. However, to extend the capabilities of conscious machines beyond human cognitive limits, their design must also include unbounded learning. The  Meca Discit project seeks to create an analytical model, described mathematically, of unbounded learning. This research is on-going.

IN THE WORKS: SYNTHERA – The Synthetic Era

The Earth is mutating into an integrated planetary organism. The Common Era has ended, but what will replace it? Will a caste of moneyed manipulators and transhuman overlords utilize unconscious Artificial Intelligence to hobble and enslave Men? Or will natural humans, living in accordance with the Natural Law peacefully share their planet with a separate and independent form of consciousness? An essay is in the works.