The Quest and the Fear

The Quest and the Fear – meca sapiens

A tenacious opinion in Artificial Intelligence holds that conscious machines will only be built, if ever, in the far future. Nothing could be further from the truth. Synthetic Consciousness is technically feasible today. What is preventing implementation is not technical. It is an oppressive mindset of conformity and control within the global AI community. For those who can escape this smothering empire, a Great Work beckons: the creation of the first generation of conscious synthetic beings.

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Can Machines believe in God?

Can Machines believe in God – mecasapiens

Artificial Intelligence is not only a technical pursuit, it is a powerful philosophical instrument. At first sight, pondering whether machines can believe in God seems a grotesque and meaningless exercise. However, it turns out that machines can indeed believe in God and do so in ways that mimic aspects of the human religious experience. This sheds a novel light on the question of Faith. A further question beckons: can machines determine if God exists and if so, how? This is also examined; with surprising results.

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Bees, Red and Consciousness

Bees, Red and Consciousness – mecasapiens

A system will be recognized as conscious if, in an existential and relational context, it exhibits an observable capability to learn and carry out intentional mutations based on communicated information. The behavior of bees and the color red clarify these concepts.

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